Friday 4 October 2013

We need your help

We need your help

Hi guys, we just launched a crowd funding campaign offering great rewards at discounted prices. Ranging from game pack rewards featuring royalty-free access to source code, 3D models, animations and sounds and server-side multiplayer hosting to build your own 3D multiplayer games from. All the way to game producer rewards where we'll build a game to your specifications and help you publish it on all the app stores.

Please check out our campaign and help us turn our dream of opening up these closed platforms into a reality.

As we're moving out of BETA, we've also rebranded ourselves from to Playir, so make sure you put [email protected] on your spam friendly list :) is now live with much more of a breakdown on our features and events, so be sure to take a look around, and feedback is always welcomed.
I also was recently interviewed by Experimentation Online, where I gave a bit more background on how we're trying to change things, so check that out too.

Graduation Day
We've been working with Mozilla for the past 3 months on developing ourselves into a sustainable business. As part of the programme, we're going to be presenting ourselves along with several other great startups at their offices in San Francisco. So, if you're around on the October 30th, please drop by:

Thanks again,
PS. Follow us on Twitter :)

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