Tuesday 24 May 2011

Tahrir Square II: He's Back!

Well it's finally done! After spending the last three weekends stoned out on the concept. I can finally play as a cybernetic Egyptian dictator.

Watch the trailer and give me your feedback on whether I should release this or not.

Sunday 22 May 2011

Best Hijabs Online


Well my friend runs a Hijab fashion website called MH Couture. For some reason Facebook decided to ban all links to her site.

So being an awesome software engineer, I figured I'd try to circumvent their ban.

First, I first tried using a URL shortner (goo.gl, tinyurl), but that didn't work.

I then tried to upload a webpage redirect using PHP by changing the header, but that didn't work.
header( "Location: http://mh-couture.com" );

Finally, I used a javascript redirect, and that worked.
<script type="text/javascript">
window.location = "http://mh-couture.com"


Tuesday 17 May 2011

Music Gym

When I work out at the gym, I need my music to motivate me.

The first issue I have with the iPhone for gym music, is that whenever I want to change tracks, due to the touch screen, I'm forced to always pull the phone out of my pocket and touch the screen.

The second issue is that, whenever I switch tracks, they always start from the beginning so to keep my psyche up, I need to manually fast forward into the chorus.

To solve these issues, I put together..

(prepare to notice the awesome 3D interface)

When you go to the next track, it jumps straight into the chorus.
When you switch to 'Gym Mode', you'll be able to skip tracks by double tapping the volume buttons.

I use it at the gym now, and everyone thinks I'm on steroids because I've put on so much mass!
and that I'm on steroids. (not really).

Bonus Rage Comic