Saturday 28 December 2013

How to upload to Amazon S3

If like me you get asked a lot about how to upload files to an Amazon S3 bucket you've set up for super-awesome business dev folk.
Here's a super-duper-short (<25 seconds) video walkthrough on how to do just that.


PS. This is the long awaited sequel to How to install an adhoc iOS build using iTunes.

Tuesday 10 December 2013

PLAYIR Walkthroughs

Hey guys! On Thursday, we're going to be at Mozilla London again, this time with the HTML5 GameDev meetup crew, and next week we're going to be at Apple's iOS7 gaming tech talks in London.

Our super-hero designer Alexandra Goddard, (who is also available for freelancing), has been working on some kick-ass designs for a 2.5D platformer game.

I've spent the past week, trying my hardest at neglecting the bizdev side of things and focusing at least 50+% on programming.
(Fixing bugs, and polish, polish, polish).

Got two video updates for you. Both walking you through how to create your own apps and games using the web and mobile based editors.

Last week-ish, I gave a talk/demo on using PLAYIR to optimize the sales of virtual items in games with real-time A/B split-testing.

And, last Saturday and Sunday, we invaded the University of East Anglia for AdventureX, giving live demos, talks, and exhibiting how to live create your own multiplayer adventure games, across all the platforms, in real-time.

Setting up for a live demo of PLAYIR at AdventureX.

Even better; The legendary Tim Child giving a talk on creating Knightmare.